Kitchen Renovation Showroom

Our Kitchen Showroom

We often get enquiries about visiting our kitchen renovation showroom. As a boutique kitchen renovation company we work at a scale designed to bring quality to our clients. Our business is about working with clients. Our focus is on quality, not quantity. 

Our kitchen renovation showroom reflects this. Perhaps a better term for it would be a kitchen selection centre.

You won't find a space the size of Jeff's Shed, filled with kitchen layouts for you to choose from. All our kitchens are individually designed and manufactured. We're not a mass production system.

Having said that, our selection centre is designed to assist you in making choices. It's meant as a place were you can get advice and guidance. We're we can chat over a coffee and go through your kitchen requirements step by step. We have everything here to aid you in this process.

We sit with you and talk through your needs. This is an organic process. It's about getting to know what you're looking for, and showing you relevant options.

Only available by appointment, in our showroom you'll find:

  • take home samples of stone
  • take home samples of laminates
  • take home samples of door and panel finishes
  • handle profile samples
  • functioning cupboards and drawers
  • storage options and ideas

Of course we have examples of our work for you to look at as well. You can find many of these on our website as well in our kitchen renovation projects section.

So, it's not about dazzling you with a massive selection of kitchens. It's about working with you to design the kitchen you want. It's about meeting your needs. It's about finding the best results.

Kitchen Renovations Melbourne | Axis Kitchens

By Appointment Only

Our kitchen showroom is available by appointment only. The showroom, or selection centre, is designed to assist you in making selections for your kitchen renovation. We sit with you and talk through your needs, and guide you through the process of selection.

You'll find a comprehensive selection of samples, including stone, laminates, door finishes and door handles. We'll show you through examples of our recent renovations as well. You can find some recent examples in our online project gallery.